今天我在信箱收到一份請願連署邀請, 就順便翻譯一下, 留個紀錄.
Dear Friend,
Did you know that the Uzbekistan government operates the world’s largest state-run system of forced labour? The whole country suffers at cotton harvest time as pensioners are forced to pick cotton or submit 50% of their pension and teachers and doctors are removed from their roles to go into the fields to pick cotton.
What’s worse is that there are international actors helping Uzbekistan keep its dirty secret -- including the World Bank. Right now they are funding projects in Uzbekistan that are documented to be using forced labour.
The good news is that the World Bank signed a contract agreeing to suspend loans if evidence of forced labour was uncovered. Now we need your help to hold them to this promise.
Please sign our petition now and help put an end to forced labour in Uzbekistan:
Thank you,
你知道烏茲別克政府擁有一座全世界最大的國營(state-run)壓迫勞工系統嗎? 每當棉花盛產, 連退些老人都要被迫去採收棉花. 百分之五十的退休人員, 老師, 以及醫生都要從他們原有的工作崗位上退出, 被迫去採收棉花.
最糟糕的是, 國際上重要角色還在幫忙烏茲別克這個骯髒的秘密-- 包括世界銀行. 就是現在, 他們正在烏茲別克建立投資計畫, 合理化迫工行為.
好消息是世界銀行簽署了一份契約, 同意中止借款, 只要有證據顯示迫工行為被揭露出來. 所以我們現在需要你的協助, 讓他們承諾中止借款.
請簽署我們的請願書, 以停止烏茲別克的迫工問題.